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Billing and payments
How do I make a payment to my credit card?
See our contact pages for detailed payment addresses and instructions
Can I automate my monthly card payments?
Yes. Automate your payments to make sure they're never missed or late, with payments deducted from your online bank account.
Enrollment is available through MBNA's online banking options.
Assistance setting up, changing, or canceling is available through our customer service, at 1-800-347-6262.
What is the total minimum payment due?
It is the minimum amount that you are required to pay by the total minimum payment due date in relation to an account statement to maintain your account in good standing. Each statement period that your account has a balance you will be required to pay the total minimum payment due. Please refer to your Account Agreement and account statement for details.
Can I make a payment on my MBNA account with another MBNA credit card?
How do I sign up for paperless statements?
Customers who use online banking can get account statements electronically rather than on paper.
To get paperless statements: Access online banking and select the "Go Paperless" link in the Accounts Overview.
What is MBNA Credit Card Payment Protection Plan?
MBNA Credit Card Payment Protection Plan is an optional insurance that can help you make your credit card payments in the event you suffer a job loss or a total disability. It also protects your credit card balance in the event you pass away. Premium charges for this plan are billed monthly to your account.